<<O>>  Difference Topic R (r1.12 - 17 May 2009 - ChrisJones)

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Testing the central limit theorem

I wanted to test that the mean over a large number of samples can be modeled adequately with a normal distribution.

Further, I wanted to see if the theorem held up when the original distribution was heavily skew.

To investigate:

means<-numeric(10000) //somewhere to store the means

for(i in 1:10000){means[i]<-mean(rbinom(n=10000, prob=.1, size=5))} //generate 10000 random binomial distributions, storing each of their means, note I use prob=.1 producing a heavily skew distribution

h<-hist(means) //plot the distribution

Now lets overlay the idealised normal curve.

x<-seq(0.4766, 0.5262,.0001) //generate the x values, use range(means)

y<-dnorm(x,mean=mean(means),sd(means))*.005*10000 //scale the y values by the bin width and the number of samples (look at the =h= for bin width).

Normal approximation looks pretty good.

And the probabilty plot looks like this:

plot(sort(means), qnorm(seq(1/10000, 1,1/10000)))


Again looks very good.

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Revision r1.11 - 18 Apr 2009 - 18:16 - ChrisJones
Revision r1.12 - 17 May 2009 - 09:28 - ChrisJones