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Reprieve for Georgian House

Furnace House in St. Peter's Street, Carmarthen, the threatened demolition of which was reported in Vol. VI of The Carmarthenshire Historian, pp. 72-73, will not wholly disappear after all.

Following a Public Inquiry on the 10th March 1970, the Secretary of State for Wales announced in January 1971 his decision to allow demolition of the building, subject to the preservation of its facade, forecourt and railings.

In announcing his decision, the Secretary of State noted that the building was in poor structural condition and accepted that because of formidable structural problems complete restoration would not be practicable.

Mr. A. L. MacIver, M.A., A.R.I.B.A., A.M.T.P.I., the Inspector who held the Inquiry, considered Furnace House, despite its dilapidated state and poor structural condition, to be a very fine example of an 18th century town house which depended mainly on its elegantly proportioned facade and railed forecourt for its principal effect. Apart from its intrinsic architectural merit, he also noted that the building occupied a strategic position in relation to the street scene and to St. Peter's Church as well as forming a fitting continuation of King Street into the 'Square' around the Church.

Revision -
Revision r1.1 - 18 Sep 2005 - 18:33 - ChrisJones