<<O>>  Difference Topic MerlinPropheciesImage (r1.2 - 27 Dec 2005 - ChrisJones)

META TOPICPARENT CarmarthenAndMerlinTheMagician
Reproduced by permission of the British Library (for original booklet -- ChrisJones)
Reproduced by permission of the British Library (permission given for the original booklet -- ChrisJones)

Merlin reading his propehcies. Cotton MS. Claudius B. VII, f. 224. c.1250-70.
 <<O>>  Difference Topic MerlinPropheciesImage (r1.1 - 24 Dec 2005 - ChrisJones)
Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT CarmarthenAndMerlinTheMagician

Reproduced by permission of the British Library (for original booklet -- ChrisJones)
Merlin reading his propehcies. Cotton MS. Claudius B. VII, f. 224. c.1250-70.

META FILEATTACHMENT MerlinProphecies?.jpg attr="h" comment="" date="1135457990" path="F:\docs\historian\vol17\MerlinProphecies.jpg" size="105874" user="ChrisJones" version="1.1"
Revision r1.1 - 24 Dec 2005 - 21:03 - ChrisJones
Revision r1.2 - 27 Dec 2005 - 05:40 - ChrisJones