<<O>>  Difference Topic BeforeItsForgottenVol15References (r1.2 - 29 Sep 2006 - ChrisJones)

META TOPICPARENT BeforeItsForgottenVol15
This is undoubtedly a reference to Col. Audeley Lloyd of Court Henry. A severe wound in the hip left him with a limp. A kindly man who had a genuine concern for the down-and-out, he often visited the doss-houses that still existed in Carmarthen. — Editor.
This is undoubtedly a reference to Col. Audeley Lloyd of Court Henry. A severe wound in the hip left him with a limp. A kindly man who had a genuine concern for the down-and-out, he often visited the doss-houses that still existed in Carmarthen. — Editor.

 <<O>>  Difference Topic BeforeItsForgottenVol15References (r1.1 - 25 Sep 2006 - ChrisJones)
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META TOPICPARENT BeforeItsForgottenVol15

This is undoubtedly a reference to Col. Audeley Lloyd of Court Henry. A severe wound in the hip left him with a limp. A kindly man who had a genuine concern for the down-and-out, he often visited the doss-houses that still existed in Carmarthen. — Editor.
Revision r1.1 - 25 Sep 2006 - 23:24 - ChrisJones
Revision r1.2 - 29 Sep 2006 - 19:35 - ChrisJones