Making string the key for hash_map

If you are using gcc version 3.3.6 you'll need to wrap operator() in a class or struct:

class HashString 
                unsigned operator()(std::string const &str) const 
                        return __gnu_cxx::hash<char const*>()(str.c_str()); 

then declare the hash_map like so:

hash_map<string,string,HashString> _blahBlahMemberVariable ;

If you are using hashmap as an extension:

#include <ext/hash_map> 
the following technique for defining __gnu_cxx is useful:
#define __gnu_cxx std 
#include <ext/hash_map> 
using namespace std; 


Revision: r1.1 - 10 Oct 2005 - 02:05 - ChrisJones