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My list of things todo at home

  • Create a TWiki group called HistorianGroup - so that new users can be added to it for editing rights to the historian pages. Need to make sure that this group has write access to the Historian pages only - this appears to be impossible to achieve without giving rights to the entire web. Write acces can be configured on a per topic basis - I wonder if child pages inherit this property? ANS: Doesn't look like it. Might consider

  • Could consider adding HistorianGroup to all existing historian pages - and then change the new topic template to ensure that the users existing group (in this case HistorianGroup) is added to the ALLOWCHANGETOPIC list for new topics. I don't like this solution - I think a separate web is the answer. Wonder how difficult it would be to migrate existing pages to a new web?

  • Change WebTopBar to have a search box instead of a jump box.

  • Install TWiki on powerbook

  • Incremental backups. Increase the number of backups: daily for a week; weekly for a month; and one yearly backup. Buy another couple of usb hard drives. Buy a fire proof safe.

  • Figure out why usb drive doesn't auto mount after re-boot. /dev/sda1. Idea: usb modules may not be loaded at the time fstab is read. Interim answer would be to call mount in the backup script. What happens if mount is called on a device that has already been mounted to the file system?

  • Figure out why wireless network stops performing for short periods of time (10-15mins).

  • Setup email notification for crontab job failures.

  • crontab, where does it store its data? I want to make sure that I can backup it, and later restore it!

  • Put backup script under CVS.

  • Power packs for use with US appliances in the UK (110 -> 240V transformer).

  • Install gramps, and look at the different kinds of report outputs; apparently it does html.

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