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To list the properties of a trigger:
S:\NewPortSrc>cleartool lstype -l trtype:Jindent
trigger type "Jindent"
 07-Aug-02.11:04:28 by !ClearCase Admin (vobadm.staff@nfccase3)
  "Java Beautifier trigger"
  owner: INSTINET_ISN\vobadm
  group: INSTINET_ISN\staff
  all element trigger
  pre-operation checkin
  action: -execunix exit 0
  action: -execwin java -cp M:\%CLEARCASE_VIEW_TAG%\NewPortTools\Jindent\Jindent
.jar;\\nfccase3\vobstore\jindent\Jindent.jar;%JINDENT_HOME%\Jindent.jar Jindent
  restriction: element type java_source


In the remote region:

cleartool mkbranch branchname elementname

which creates a branch for that element.

In the local region request mastership, and you should then be able to check out on the branch in the local region.

Unixify a file

cleartool chtype -nc -force file blah.h

Adding existing directories to a VOB on unix

You can't add existing directories to clearcase very easily, like you can on windows. The way to do it is to use clearfsimport.

I tried adding a view private directory to the existing vob, but that didn't work the way I was expecting, as it moved the existing directory to a .keep and created a new, but empty, directory with nothing it. So, if you want the import to be recursive, move the directory you want added somewhere else, like your home directory, and do the import from there:

$ cd /vob/viewarea //cd to the area you want the data added to, eg your view somewhere

$ mv yourdirectory ~ //moves the directory you want imported to your home directory

$ clearfsimport -nsetevent -recurse ~/yourdirectory . //does the import

Unless you are root you have to use the -nsetevent option. This means you lose file system type information, like time stamps and ownership etc.
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