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The Carmarthenshire Historian


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Before It's Forgotten

Boy Pianist
The note in The Carmarthenshire Historian, Volume IX, about the Woods of New Inn, Llandeilo was of great interest to me, as Lt.-Col. Tudor Lloyd-Harries of Llwyndewi, Llangadog, a friend of my father, told me how he met Henry Wood as a boy.

The Colonel died in 1933, aged 82, and had been well-known as the finest amateur violinist in Wales of his day. He was very kind in playing at village and other concerts, and on one occasion went to stay the night at Caio vicarage with the then vicar, the Rev. Mr. Chidlow, and Mrs. Chidlow. A rehearsal was arranged before the concert at which he was to play, but Col. Lloyd-Harries was rather disappointed to find his accompanist was a boy of fourteen.

But as soon as they started to play, the Colonel realised the boy's brilliance and they played for hours before and after the concert. The boy was Henry Wood, Mrs. Chidlow's nephew, and had evidently come from New Inn for that Pumpsaint concert.

I do not know the date of this, but it may have been in the early 1890s; I suppose it could be more or less ascertained by referring to the date of Sir Henry Wood's birth. [Henry Wood was born in 1869 and the events related must therefore have taken place in the early 1880s.—Ed.]


"A Saint and His Progeny"
In the article on Hugh Hughes and his family in Volume VIII of The Carmarthenshire Historian, the footnote (#20 -- ChrisJones) at page 58 is in error in stating that Mrs. Hugh Hughes moved to Waterloo Terrace, Carmarthen from Tabernacle Row, the small cottages to the rear on the east side. Although the registrations of death state that her husband, Hugh Hughes, died at Tabernacle Row in 1855 (page 47 of the same volume) and that Mrs. Hugh Hughes died at 6 Waterloo Terrace in 1871 (page 48), both must have died in the same house, namely 6 Waterloo Terrace, the name of the street having changed from Tabernacle Row to Waterloo Terrace between 1855 and 1871. -- E.V.J.
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